I am currently working on a trilogy of books entitled "Machines of the Dead" for Severed Press. Book 1 is now available.
My novel "Amongst the Dead" is now available from Samhain Publishing. Pick up a copy at the Samhain store, Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble booksellers.
My novel "Tears of No Return" is available from Evil Jester Press on Amazon.
My novel "Damaged Souls" will be published by Samhain and is slated for an August 2013 release.
Short Fiction:
STD (Sexually Transmitted Death)-----with be appearing in DOA II, from Blood Bound Books.
STD (Sexually Transmitted Death)-----with be appearing in DOA II, from Blood Bound Books.
Hubert Humphrey: Vampire Extraordinaire-----------In HUNGRY ARE THE DAMNED from Rainstorm Press.
The Trojan Plushy--------In Best New Werewolf Tales from Books of the Dead Press.
The Protector------------in Superheroes Vs. Zombies
Killer Career Move-------accepted for publication, 1/14/11 in Book of Horror 2 from Living
Dead Press.
First Encounter---------accepted for publication, 1/28/11 in DEADication from Panic Press.
Potty Mouth-------------accepted for publication, 11/02/10 in Made You Flinch from Library of Horror Press.
Bad Cutlery-------------accepted for publication, 9/17/10 in Dark Things III, from Pill Hill Press.
Model Behavior----------accepted for publication, 9/12/10
in Tales of Women Scourned, an anthology from House of Horror.
Zombeek-----------------accepted for publication, 9/06/10
in Oh! The Horror, an anthology from Static Movement.
The Bully Ordeal--------accepted for publication, 9/04/10
in School Days, an anthology from Static Movement.
Harmless Terror---------accepted for publication, 9/02/10
in The Ghostly Book of Horror from Living Dead Press.
The Booglin-------------accepted for publication, 6/20/10
in Unspeakable from Blood Bound Books.
The Becoming------------accepted for publication in Daily Bites of Flesh: 365 Days of Flash
Fiction from Pill Hill Press.
Something New----------accepted for publication in Daily Bites of Flesh: 365 Days of Flash
Fiction from Pill Hill Press.
Death Flower------------accepted for publication, 04/01/10 in Novus Creatura.
A Man on the Inside-----accepted for publication, 03/26/10 in Night of the Wolf.
Cute, Furry,
Full Moon Killers-------accepted for publication, 03/26/10 in Night of the Wolf.
Vixens of Death---------accepted for publication, 03/18/10 in Spectral Sensations.
Comes With Baggage------ in Don’t Tread on Me from Lame
Goat Press
From Under the Bed------ in Night Terrors from Blood Bound
The Last Victim in Howl: Dark Tales of the Feral and Infernal.Eating Fear-------in The Book of CannibalsFinally Alone-----appearing in Ruthless, an anthology from Pill Hill Press.
The Solution--------in Letters From the Dead from Library of the Living Dead Press
The Last Victim in Howl: Dark Tales of the Feral and Infernal.Eating Fear-------in The Book of CannibalsFinally Alone-----appearing in Ruthless, an anthology from Pill Hill Press.
The Solution--------in Letters From the Dead from Library of the Living Dead Press
Samurai Zombie Killer appears in Dead History Anthology.
A Bump on the Head appears in Twisted Dreams.
Teenage Zombie Party appears in Love is Dead: A Zombie Anthology
(and free on this page, click the link)
The Lake Pact appears in Creature Feature Anthology.
The Serial Killer’s Ghoul appears in issue# 1 of Night Chills Magazine.
Zombie Santa Clause is Coming To Town appears in Christmas is Dead Anthology.
The Stranger appearing in Alienology: Tales From The Void Anthology.
(The short story that became a novel, coming soon from Evil Jester Press)
Water Logged will be appearing in Elements of Horror Anthology
One Man’s Final Act appears in End Of Days: An Apocalyptic Anthology
Love During A Time of Zombies appears in Dead Worlds 4: A Zombie Anthology.
Don’t Stop For The Dead appears in Zombonauts Anthology
Family Under Wraps-----accepted for publication, 8/03/09 in The Scroll of Anubis: A Mummy
Anthology for Library of Horror Press
You Are What You Eat----Hungur Magazine issue #8
Another Man’s Wife----Macabre Cadaver issue #8
Killer Career Move----Horror In Words, appearing in the first print issue, 8/1/09 .
A Long Way Down-------MicroHorror, accepted, 8/6/09
Morbid Tow------------MicroHorror, accepted, 8/6/09
Too Close----FlashShot, accepted for August publication.
Dying To Get In----FlashShot, accepted 7/15/09
Party Time----FlashShot, accepted 7/15/09
Sadistically Confused----Tweet The Meat, appeared 7/17/09
A Hot Night--------------Tweet The Meat, appeared 7/29/09